8. After pushing the button, go back to the Hall of Heroes and click on a random statue. Above the statue, there will be a small clickable link. Click on it and you will find a oil. If you don't, try another statue, you will get it eventually.

9. Go back to the button and then it will say you that you have fixed the gears. Now go back to the hall and you will notice that it have lighten up.

10. Go back to Finneus.

11. Now go back to the Hall of Heroes and on the left hand side of the lighten hall, there will be a stair, click on it.

12.After you've clicked on the stairs, you will now be the new observatory.

13. As of 6:38pm on March 24th, it is possible to join theAstronomy Club. Note, the Underwater Basket Weaving Club Notice has been replaced with the Astronomy Club.

The daily neopets

14. After joining the club, you will receive a telescope. Now return to theArchivist Lenny.

15. Go to theObservatory at the top of the Hall of Heroes. Click on the Telescope Stand.

16. After clicking on it, it will say that you have placed the telescope. Wait a few minutes and you will see a circle thingy.

You can move the pointer, and the coordinates change. There is also a clickable button at the top.
The coordinates in the box, shows you where the cross-hair is at - the very centre of your telescope view. The stars you click on will show you their own specific coordinates.

17. There is a new area discovered. The new area is theRestive Tomb. Go to the tomb and then click on the two diagonal lines in the center of the door.

18. You will now notice that the image have been darkened and the two lines have been glowed. Now you must return back the Archivist again.
19. Now go back to the telescope and now you must search for the two lines and hit submit. It will now say you have found The Sleeper.

20. Go back to the main Altador Map, on the top right hand side you will see some clouds. Click on them! They will take you to the top view of Altador. Click on the Cloud on the top right hand side and it will give you a new constellation.

21. Now go and talk to the ArchivistLenny

22. Now got go to your telescope and find the new constellations. It will say you have found The Dreamer

23. Go to theRestive Tomb and hit tab 3 times and hit enter.

Then, go to Quickstock and click the 'Check All' bullet in the Discard column. This will overflow your inventory with items, but that's okay. This will check for all items to be discarded. You have to click OK. Neopets shops list. When you press submit you will be asked if you're sure you want to discard all these items.

24. Go back to the Hall of Hero and click on the Dancer.

25. Now click on the above the tree.

26. The tree will now light up showing another constellation.

29. Go back to your telescope and find it.

25. Now if you go back to the Astronomy Club, you will receive a cool badge!

26. On the 4th of April, you can now get The Farmer. First, go to thefarm.

27. Now click on the lever.

28. Now the window.

29. And now the grass.

30. After clicking on the grass, a new constellation will come out. Go to theArchivist.

31. Now go to your telescope and look for the constellation.

32. On the 6th of April, you can now get The Dancer! First go to theDisco Club.

33. Now click on the highlighted dot and you will get your next constellation.

34. Now go back to TheArchivist.

35. Now go to your telescope and look for the constellation.

36. On the 8th of April, you can now get The Wave. First go tothe Docks.

37. Click on the wave and you will get your next constellation.

38. Now go back to TheArchivist.

39. Now go to the your telescope and find your constellation.

40. Click here and get your broken Astrolabe.

41. Now go to Toy Repair Shop and repair it.

42. The first step to finding the Gladiator constellation is to go to theColosseum.

Now begin clicking on each window one by one until you find the Grarrl.

When you find him he will say..

'Psst.. hey, you. You look like someone who'd be interested in joining..' He glances around furtively and whispers. 'Punch Club. And before you do, you have to remember that the first rule of Punch Club is that you don't talk about Punch Club.. unless someone asks, then you can talk about it. Just don't bring it up. Unless you overhear someone else talking about it, because, like, they clearly already know about it.'

He nods, agreeing with himself. You get the impression that this Grarrl is not entirely stable.

43. Now click on the 'Go with him to Punch Club' button.

In a secluded alley behind the Colosseum are gathered a group of Neopets.. This is Punch Club.

'Would you like some punch?' Perhaps you should try some punch. You don't want to be rude.

You must drink the from the bowls of punch three times in the right order to find the Gladiator constellatin. THE ORDER IS DEIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE!!! After trying each combination, click on the gold goblet that is between bowl 2 and 3. If it zooms in, move onto the next step. If it doesn't, try the next combination.

Here are the possible orders..

111 211 311

112 212 312

113 213 313

121 221 321

122 222 322

123 223 323

131 231 331

132 232 332

133 233 333

EXAMPLE: Click bowl 1 three times and then click the gold goblet.. click bowl 2 once and then bowl 1 twice and click gold goblet.. click bowl 3 once then bowl 1 twice and then click the gold goblet..

44. When your combination has worked and you click on the goblet it should look like this..

45. Now click on the sun symbol on the goblet and the Gladiator constellation shall be revealed!

46. Now off to yourtelescope!!!

47. Go toIllustrious Armoury Shop.

48. Visit one of these shops in Altador...Exquisite Ambrosia, Legendary Petpets, Illustrious Weaponry or Magical Marvels shop. Carry 100x the listed Altadorian inflation price on you in neopoints EXAMPLE- if the inflation is 3.02%, carry 302 neopoints. Refresh the shop. A new item costing the number of neopoints you have on you MAY stock. If it does click on the item to see the Collector Constellation. If it doesnt try a different shop and repeat this step.***You will not actually purchase the item :D

49. Once you have the right number of neopoints in your hand and you visitIllustrious Armoury you will see an item called Altadorian Coin Purse. Click on it.

Altador plot neopets

You have found the next constellation!

50. A familiar face has shown up in theAltadorian Archives. Its the Lenny from Lenny Conundrum!!

Click on the Lenny

'Hey, you! Listen, you know Finneus, the archivist, right? I heard him say you've been helping him with some kind of.. history puzzle, or something. I don't know, but anyway. Finneus is my uncle, and I want to give him a special surprise for his birthday, which is coming up soon. It's the fourteenth day after the square root of the number of Grundos you find in the--er, sorry, nevermind. Force of habit. Anyway, look, here's what I want to do: He's got this favourite Meepit plushie of his, yeah? And I want to decorate it all nice for his birthday.' He grumps. 'But I want it to be a surprise! He's always in that office of his, so I can't get ahold of it. If I hang around until he turns his back, he'll get suspicious. But since you're always in there, you could get it without him noticing. So, can you help me?'

51. Now go to theThe Archivist And click on the vase in the left hand corner.

You throw a pebble at the vase. The archivist spins around at the sound of something plinking against the vase. 'What? What's was that? Did you hear something?'

52. Now Click on the Meepit Plushie on the table.

The archivist shrugs and turns back around. 'Oh well. I'm just hearing things as I get old, I suppose. Say, I wonder where I put that Meepit plushie..'

53. Now go back to the Conundrum Lenny..

Great, you got the plushie! I--' He looks at it, startled. 'Wait a second, this isn't his favourite Meepit plushie. That one has, uh, um.. well..' He scratches his head. 'It's a little different, it's got a.. a thingy.. Look, I'll know it when I see it. You've got to go and get his favourite plushie. Hurry! His birthday is only 94 times the number of bolts on the Virtupets Space Station seconds away!'

54. Now return to theThe Archivist

55. Now return to theThe Lobby of the archives and click on the door handle of the door on the left.

56. Now you will need to move room to room until you find the right closet with the box of meepits in it. The doors that you may move through are marked in Yellow and the closets are marked in Red.

Make sure you click on the closet in EVERY room until you find this..

How interesting.. a box of Meepit plushies. This must be where the Archivist keeps getting his replacements!

57. Now click on the 'Hide the box button'

You hide the box of Meepit plushies in another closet. Now the Archivist will never find them!

58. Now return to theThe Archivist

The archivist frowns as you enter. 'Hm, I seem to have misplaced my box of replacement Meepit plushies. I only have one other one.. my favourite.' He pulls a battered old Meepit plushie from a locked cabinet, and sniffles as he examines it. 'This little guy was the first Meepit plushie I ever bought!'

59. Click on the vase again..

You throw a pebble at the vase. The archivist spins around at the sound of something plinking against the vase. 'What? What's was that? Did you hear something?'

50. Now click on the meepit plushie on the table.

The archivist shrugs and turns back around. 'Oh well. I'm just hearing things as I get old, I suppose. Oh no! My favorite Meepit plushie is gone!' He sobs, dismayed.

Take the meepit plushie back to the Conundrum Lenny. You can find him waiting inThe Lobby.

'Excellent!' he cheers as you bring him Finneus's favourite Meepit plushie. 'This is the real one. Now, let me just put this ribbon on it--' RRRRIP! 'Uh oh.'

'Oh no! I tore the Meepit's head off! Woe!' He looks down at the headless Meepit plushie. 'I--hey, what's this?' He reaches into the plushie and pulls out an old, dull, rusted dagger that was hidden inside the plushie. 'Huh, some kind of dagger stored inside the plushie. How weird. Oh well. I guess you better give this plushie back to Finneus. I hope he's not mad at me!'

51. Click on the Knife handle that is sticking out of the plushie.

You have found the next constellation! It should look like this..

There's an odd pattern of marks on the dagger the Lenny is examining.

52. Return toThe Archivist

The archivist sniffles as you enter. 'Oh, my poor Meepit plushie! My absolute favorite! But at least my nephew meant well when he destroyed it by accident. And of course, it led to finding a clue! How fortuitous! Well, you best be off to the observatory while I mourn my poor Meepit plushie.'

53. Now go find you constellation. Off to theTelescope!

54. Go toThe Astronomy Club..

The Astronomy Club members greet you warmly as you enter the room.. except the club president, who grabs a protractor and threatens you with it every time you come near him. The other club members give you overly casual nods. The Wocky sidles up and whispers, 'Don't worry, we'll be making our move soon. In the meantime, hang onto this. And don't ask where I got it.'

The Astronomy Club

55. Go to theQuarry,Farm andDocks. At one of them, you will find a petpet which you should click.
This poor little Vaeolus seems to have had his flames extinguished, and has been severely injured!
Perhaps you should take him to the Archivist. He might know what to do.
56. As it suggests, you should take the petpet to theArchivist.

The archivist says, 'Oh my! What a poor little Vaeolus! I wonder what happened to his owner. He seems very ill!'
57. Clicking on the petpet will let you zoom in.
58. Make your way to theAlchemy Club.

'Hmm, so you're looking for medicine, eh? I've got a potion that could help you out.. for a price!'
Elixir of Petpet Healing
30,000 NP
The quiggle cackles at you and demands 30,000 neopoints for the medicine! What a jerk!
59. Click the potion. You do NOT need 30,000 neopoints, and you will NOT be charged.
The Quiggle gives you the potion, and reaches out to take your 30,000 neopoints..
The Archivist storms over and swats the Quiggle on the hand. 'Hey! No selling of items is allowed in the Archives! Why are you such a troublemaker, anyway?' He mutters angrily and retreats to his office.
60. Click the 'Continue' button.
61. Go to theColosseum and click on all the windows until you find the punch club (same as you did before, however it may have moved).
62. Click on the Blueberry Pie on the far table.
Neopets game avatars. Adoptables. Misc. Misc. Graphics & Resources.
You wander over to the pie table and take some blueberry pie.
Blueberry Pie
Click the 'Continue' button.
63. Make your way to theRestive Tomb. Click on the Wooden Bar holding the door shut.
I gave her a sword and a shield and made her fight a giant clown-punching bag.(She lost.)That concludes my adventure through time and space. I got to see what my kid-brain liked 11 years ago. Neopets motel.
You enter the creepy old tomb..
Oh no! An angry, mummified Gelatinous Non-Cube is roaming around the tomb!
64. Refresh the page at 29 or 59 seconds past the minute. A portion of bandage should come loose. Click it. (If that does not work, try 30 and 00 seconds instead.)

You grab some loose bandages from the mummified Gelatinous Non-Cube!
Mummy Bandages
65. Click the 'Continute' button. Now return to the Archivists Office and click the petpet again.
Every minute you should click 'Check in on the Vaeolus'. Then choose the option depending on the picture.

If you get this picture, click the word 'Give medicine'.

If you get this picture, click the word 'Wait'.

If you get this picture, click the word 'Feed'.

Current Neopets Plots

If you get this picture, click the word 'Bandage'.
Repeat every minute until on the tenth time the Skeith should appear. If you miss a minute or click the wrong thing, return to the Archivists Office then try again.
CLARIFICATION: You do NOT have to click 'Check in' exactly on the minute, instead click a few seconds after. For example..
At 5:01:05 click check in, and then perform the right action.
Then at 5:02:47 maybe click check in, and perform the right action.
Then perhaps at 5:03:21 click check in..
It does NOT have to be exactly on the minute, it should just be once a minute.
The Vaeolus seems to be feeling better!
A Skeith knocks on the door just then. 'Why, hello there!' he says. 'I'm from the Petpet Protection League, and I heard you were nursing this poor little creature back to health. Very helpful of you! I'd like to present you with this certificate on behalf of the PPL!'
66. Click on the image on the certificate.
There seems to be a strange pattern in the watermark on this certificate..

67. You should now return to the Archivist again.

The archivist says, 'Ah, the Vaeolus seems to be feeling much better now. He can stay here until he's ready to leave, of course. I'm sure he'd like to get back to his owner!'
'And another clue!' he says. 'It seems we draw ever closer to solving this mystery. Quickly, to the observatory!'

Neopets Plots Comics

68. Congratulations! You have discovered The Gatherer constellation.
69. May 13th a new area opened, theAltador Water Distribution Plant.

Altador Water Distribution Plant This plant controls the water flow throughout all of Altador. The plant engineers greet you as you enter. Welcome to the Altador Water Distribution Plant! We're sorry, but the plant isn't open to the public for tours. You'll have to arrange something with our Civilian Affairs Office if you'd like to see the inside of the plant.

70. Go to thePerfectly Flat Rock Quarry and click the path at the back.
This leads you to the Altador City Wall.

71. Click the wall in the space highlighted above and you will be taken to a secret room.

An enormous, spectral Minitheus stands watchful in this secret room, hidden deep within the city wall.

72. Click on the necklace.

'You are not worthy enough to pass!'
The Guardian, though made entirely of ethereal mist, projects a field that forces you back! You cannot approach the pedestal.

73. Click the 'Continue' button, then go toThe Old Follies Farm

Farmer Follies waves as you approach. 'Hello there! Are you from the Altadorian Water Department? The irrigation ditches near my farm have been filling up awfully quickly! If the water flow doesn't slow down, I'm going to lose my crops! FARMING DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!'

74. Go back to the main Altador map, and click the water tower to go to theAltador Water Distribution Plant.

he plant engineers rush over to you as you enter. 'You've got to help us!' the Zafara says. 'The plant's gone berserk, it's routing water every which way. We don't know how to fix it -- the plant was designed by a mad wizard, and he didn't write any documentation! We're doomed!'
The Shoyru shakes his head sadly. 'I always knew having a mad wizard design our water distribution plant was a bad idea.'

75. There are three rooms to the plant, click on the doors to go between them.

The bits you are interested in are the valves and switches.

76. You can ignore everything else, including the water levels. Simply play around with the switches and valves. Unfortunately, no-one has worked out a proven method yet. What you have to do is play with the switches until you save Altador!
Here is one method that I was told. It appears to work perfectly for some people, but for some other people it doesn't work at all.
First, put all of the levers up, and all of the wheels in the + position. This will flood Altador.
Now, return to the pipes room. The pipes and levers will now all be in new random postions. Put all of them in the opposite positions of this (click everything in every room once) This willstop the flooding.

If this technique does not work for you, you will just have to keep trying to guess the correct combination.
If you get it wrong, you'll flood the place.
OH NO! You opened too many pumps and valves, and Altador has been completely flooded!
..or it would have been, if the plant hadn't been built with automatic safety features that prevent exactly this scenario from occurring. The plant has been reset to the way it was when you started messing with it. Whew!

If that happens, don't worry. Just keep trying. Eventually you'll get it right. Its just a case of trial and error.

The engineers cheer. 'You did it! The water's been rerouted properly, and there'll be no flood.'

77. Make your way back to theThe Old Follies Farm.

Farmer Follies cheers as you approach. 'Thank you so much for saving my crops! We surely would have drowned in a flood if it hadn't been for your quick thinking!'
78. Now go back to thePerfectly Flat Rock Quarry, click the path to the wall and click the hidden brick.

The spectral Minitheus steps aside, letting you pass. 'You have proven yourself worthy by protecting Altador,' he intones.
79. Click the necklace.

You pick up the necklace, and notice that its shape forms a strange pattern..

80. You should now return to the Archivist again and find your constellation.
81. Go to the Observatory and view the floor. There are 3 dots on the floor - click on one. You should see a partial constellation.
82. Go to the Archivist's office, and view your clue list, then go to the quarry.

Neopets Plots Guide

83. Click on the rock and buy it. Go visit the Janitor and hit the button on his right.
84. Head to the basement. You need to jam your rock in each of the 10 gears.
85. Do this by clicking on each one twice, basically. Take your rock and leave. Go back to the archivist Lenny then to the quarry.

Neopets Plots 2018

86. Refresh the page a few times, then find a clickable spot on the path. Click it, and then click on a rock to the right of the jubjubs.
87. Click the path spot again, and you will retrieve a rock. Go to the Herbology club and learn to juggle, then juggle for the miners (click on them) who will give you a third rock.
88. Return to the janitor and go back to the basement.
89. You need to jam the three rocks in the correct 3 gears. Each gear will open the ceiling in a certain way, and the right combo will open at the right place to give you your constellation. You want to open it above the hunter and his right side, so that dots become visable and you can click on them. Try them all, basically. So, put a rock in a gear and go to the janitor. View the ceiling from the observatory, and react to the change by removing the rock or leaving it and going to try with another one to see what combo it gives.Aardax explains this part well.
90. Go to the Hall of Heroes and click on the ceiling of the Hunter statue.
91. Go to the janitor, and then the archivist. Read the Book Of Ages and on the last page click on the darkest faerie fire. Go to the Astronomy Club. Now you are done with the constellation.
92. You need to find the spell book and finish the plot. To do this, you need the coordinates of your Sleeper Constellation. Add the X values together and the Y values. If the number you get for either is above 99, add the digits together to get a number less than or equal to 99. This final coordinate is the location of your spell book.
Find this easily by entering your X and Y results in here:
http://www.neopets.com/altador/archives.phtml?goarch=e22c57e8341ad10e f5afd3d9bc2b382c&arcx=X&arcy=Y&cmhv=8c9fe9f17c3037de58c01e3748c171e3
93. Go to the Archive Library and find the room that matches the coordinates. In that room are 14 clickable books. One of them is your spell book. When you find the right book, enter the spell number29884 and it says nothing happened. Go to the Hall of Heroes and click on the DF statue, then click around her kneck. Click the buttons then go to the Archivist. You are done! Congratulations! Now sit back and await your rewards!